Monetary Data
Commercial Paper Outstanding
Currency + Demand Deposits
Currency Component of Money Stock NSA
Currency Component of Money Stock SA
Demand Deposits due to Foreign Banks
Demand Deposits due to Foreign Official Institutions
Debt of Domestic Nonfinancial Sectors NSA
Debt of Domestic Nonfinancial Sectors SA
Demand Deposits at Commercial Banks
Demand Deposits at Commercial Banks SA
Overnight & Term Eurodollars
Institutional Money Funds NSA
Institutional Money Funds SA
Total IRA & Keough Accounts
IRA & Keough Accounts at Commercial Banks
Large Time Deposits at Commercial Banks NSA
Large Time Deposits at Commercial Banks SA
Large Time Deposits at Thrift Institutions
Liquid Assets NSA
Liquid Assets SA
Total Large Time Deposits NSA
Total Large Time Deposits SA
M1 Money Stock NSA
M1 Money Stock SA
M2 Money Stock NSA
M2 Money Stock SA
M3 Money Stock NSA
M3 Money Stock SA
US Government Deposits
Commercial Paper Outstanding of Nonfinancial Companies
Other Checkable Deposits NSA
Other Checkable Deposits SA
Retail Money Funds SA
Retail Money Funds NSA
Overnight & Term RPs NSA
Total Savings Deposits NSA
Total Savings Deposits SA
Total Small Time Deposits NSA
Total Small Time Deposits SA
Small Time Deposits at Thrift Inst.
Savings Deposits at Commercial Banks NSA
Savings Deposits at Commercial Banks SA
Savings Deposits at Thrift Institutions SA
Savings & Small Time Deposits at Commercial Banks NSA
Savings & Small Time Deposits at Commercial Banks SA
Total Savings & Small Time Depostis NSA
Total Savings & Small Time Deposits SA
Total Checkable Deposits SA
Total Time Deposits at Commercial Banks SA
Total Time Deposits at all Depository Inst. SA
Time & Savings Deposits subject to Reserve Requirements
Travelers Checks Outstanding NSA
Travelers Checks Outstanding SA
US Government Demand Deposits at Commercial Banks NSA
US Government Demand Deposits and Note Balances NSA